Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Noodles' Stats

Many of you may not know that Natalie's nickname is Noodles. It started when granny called her "noodley" instead of Natalie, and it stuck. A little while later it turned into just plain Noodles. Sometimes we say, "How's the noodle?" You get the idea. She had her six month well baby visit yesterday-just a couple weeks past her six month b-day. Natalie has officially doubled her birth weight. She weighs 19 lbs 11 ozs and is 26.5 inches long. All is well in babyville.


Emilie said...

Funny story...I was on the phone talking to Mom, and she said, "Watch the noodles" to Dad. I said, "They're back in town already? Why are you watching Natalie?" Turns out they were making spaghetti, so she was talking about REAL noodles...:)

Tanner said...

So cute! I can see how that would be confusing.